
LARDIS is a brand of RTM Infor­ma­ti­ons­tech­no­lo­gie GmbH & Co. KG with head­quar­ters in Fürth. With inno­va­ti­ve radio con­trol sys­tems for fire depart­ments, res­cue ser­vices, poli­ce, THW and indus­try, RTM is one of the lea­ding sup­pli­ers in Ger­man-spea­king countries.


The deve­lo­p­ment of LARDIS takes place cen­tral­ly in Fürth. Sales in Ger­ma­ny, Aus­tria and Switz­er­land, inclu­ding instal­la­ti­on and imple­men­ta­ti­on of LARDIS solu­ti­ons, are ensu­red by a strong part­ner net­work. Inter­na­tio­nal mar­kets are ser­ved direct­ly by RTM.

Information according to § 5 TGM

Web­site operator:

RTM Infor­ma­ti­ons­tech­no­lo­gie GmbH & Co. KG
Würz­bur­ger Stra­ße 197
90766 Fürth


Repre­sen­ted by:
Tho­mas Buck


Regis­tered office of the com­pa­ny:


tel +49 911 49522 500
fax +49 911 49522 509


Regis­try entry:

Ent­ry in the Com­mer­cial Regis­ter.
Regis­ter court: Local court Fürth
Regis­tra­ti­on num­ber: HRA 9622

Per­so­nal­ly lia­ble partner:

RTM Ver­wal­tungs GmbH
Würz­bur­ger Stra­ße 197
90766 Fürth


Repre­sen­ted by the Mana­ging Director:

Tho­mas Buck


Regis­tered office of the company:




tel +49 911 49522 500
fax +49 911 49522 509


Regis­try entry:

Ent­ry in the Com­mer­cial Register.
Regis­ter court: Local court Fürth
Regis­ter­num­mer: HRB 12791


Sales Tax ID:
Umsatz­steu­er-Iden­ti­fi­ka­ti­ons­num­mer gemäß §27 a Umsatz­steu­er­ge­setz: USt-IdNr DE275674983

Edi­to­ri­al responsibility:

Tho­mas Buck
Würz­bur­ger Stra­ße 197
90766 Fürth
tel +49 911 49522 500
fax +49 911 49522 509


EU Dis­pu­te Resolution

The Euro­pean Com­mis­si­on pro­vi­des a plat­form for online dis­pu­te reso­lu­ti­on (OS):
You can find our e‑mail address in the imprint above.


Con­su­mer dis­pu­te resolution/universal arbi­tra­ti­on board

We are not wil­ling or obli­ged to par­ti­ci­pa­te in dis­pu­te reso­lu­ti­on pro­cee­dings befo­re a con­su­mer arbi­tra­ti­on board.
We do not par­ti­ci­pa­te in dis­pu­te reso­lu­ti­on pro­cee­dings befo­re a con­su­mer arbi­tra­ti­on board.


Liability for contents

As a ser­vice pro­vi­der, we are respon­si­ble for our own con­tent on the­se pages in accordance with gene­ral legis­la­ti­on pur­su­ant to Sec­tion 7 (1) of the Ger­man Tele­me­dia Act (TMG). Accor­ding to §§ 8 to 10 TMG, howe­ver, we are not obli­ga­ted as a ser­vice pro­vi­der to moni­tor trans­mit­ted or stored third-par­ty infor­ma­ti­on or to inves­ti­ga­te cir­cum­s­tances that indi­ca­te ille­gal acti­vi­ty. Obli­ga­ti­ons to remo­ve or block the use of infor­ma­ti­on under the gene­ral laws remain unaf­fec­ted. Howe­ver, lia­bi­li­ty in this regard is only pos­si­ble from the point in time at which a con­cre­te inf­rin­ge­ment of the law beco­mes known. If we beco­me awa­re of such inf­rin­ge­ments, we will remo­ve this con­tent immediately


Liability for links

Our offer con­ta­ins links to exter­nal web­sites of third par­ties, on who­se con­tents we have no influence. The­r­e­fo­re, we can­not assu­me any lia­bi­li­ty for the­se exter­nal con­tents. The respec­ti­ve pro­vi­der or ope­ra­tor of the pages is always respon­si­ble for the con­tent of the lin­ked pages. The lin­ked pages were che­cked for pos­si­ble legal vio­la­ti­ons at the time of lin­king. Ille­gal con­tents were not reco­gnizable at the time of lin­king. Howe­ver, a per­ma­nent con­trol of the con­tents of the lin­ked pages is not reasonable wit­hout con­cre­te evi­dence of a vio­la­ti­on of the law. If we beco­me awa­re of any inf­rin­ge­ments, we will remo­ve such links immediately.



The con­tent and works crea­ted by the site ope­ra­tors on the­se pages are sub­ject to Ger­man copy­right law. The repro­duc­tion, editing, dis­tri­bu­ti­on and any kind of explo­ita­ti­on out­side the limits of copy­right requi­re the writ­ten con­sent of the respec­ti­ve aut­hor or crea­tor. Down­loads and copies of this site are only per­mit­ted for pri­va­te, non-com­mer­cial use. Inso­far as the con­tent on this site was not crea­ted by the ope­ra­tor, the copy­rights of third par­ties are respec­ted. In par­ti­cu­lar, third-par­ty con­tent is iden­ti­fied as such. Should you nevert­hel­ess beco­me awa­re of a copy­right inf­rin­ge­ment, plea­se inform us accor­din­gly. If we beco­me awa­re of any inf­rin­ge­ments, we will remo­ve such con­tent immediately.


To the pri­va­cy policy

References for media used

Ste­fan Mühl­mann,

Team Brenn­wei­te,


UG-ÖEL Weil­heim-Schon­gau,ö

Claus Schunk, claus.schunk@t‑

LAR­DIS-pro­duct­pho­tos: Chris­tia­ne Rich­ter, | Foto-Retu­sche: Tizia­ni Design,
More photos/videos: Fire sta­ti­on Rems­eck a. N. by Micha­el Fuchs, Aldin­gen | Inte­ri­or view ELW VW-Craf­ter by Wal­ter Bösen­berg GmbH, Han­no­ver | gra­ja | Video FFW Schwer­te by Moviad­led | Video FW Gera by | Video FFW Markt Bad Abbach by one4two GmbH
