radio con­trol
made easy

LARDIS radio control systems for command vehicles and control centers

LARDIS makes your radio work­sta­tion a uni­ver­sal com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on cen­ter with many hel­pful fea­tures — via dash­board or pro­fes­sio­nal workstation.

For all aut­ho­ri­ties and secu­ri­ty organizations

fire depart­ments, res­cue ser­vice, poli­ce, public safe­ty and dis­as­ter con­trol authorities

For all radio operators

access to all radi­os from any num­ber of workstations

For all radio devices

digi­tal and ana­log radi­os from all major manufacturers

LARDIS stands for extremely simplified radio operation

Touch display

intui­ti­ve, cus­to­mizable user interface

Status handling

inclu­ding con­fir­ma­ti­on of receipt and acti­ve sta­tus display

See names

dis­play of the spea­king par­ti­ci­pant e.g. “John Doe 12/1”


find missed radio mes­sa­ges and lis­ten again

Change Group

prio­ri­ti­ze group setting/channels


moni­tor, rear­ran­ge and label the super­vi­sed radios

LARDIS offers many additional functions

Mission Navigation

alarm­mes­sa­ges and loca­ti­on of ope­ra­ti­on with navi­ga­ti­on to site

Locating Radios

dis­play of vehic­les and squads with digi­tal radio in map


mes­sa­ging and mana­ging ope­ra­ti­on data made easy

LARDIS is a universal communication hub


all radi­os com­bi­ned in one net­work and ope­ra­ble from every station


GSM, VoIP and DECT com­bi­ned with radio inte­gra­ted in one surface


con­trol spea­k­ers, doors, gates, lighting …

LARDIS does not have customers, but fans!

Ask LARDIS users about their experiences!


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installed in the Schwerte Fire Department command vehicle

In the com­mand vehic­le 1 of the Fire Depart­ment Schwer­te are installed:

  • Two LARDIS radio sys­tem work­sta­tions with 12 inch touch dis­plays and micro­pho­ne units
  • A demand workstation
  • A LARDIS:PILOT in the driver’s compartment

(Ein­bau: GSF / Labitzke-Systemlösungen)


installed in the Gera Fire Department command vehicle

In the com­mand vehic­le 1 of the Fire Depart­ment Gera are installed:

  • Two LARDIS radio sys­tem work­sta­tions with 10 inch touch dis­plays and micro­pho­ne units
  • A LARDIS:PILOT DS in the instru­ment dashboard

(Ein­bau: Com­point Fahr­zeug­bau, Video: tvbw.pictures)


installed in the vehicles of the Markt Bad Abbach Fire Department

The fire depart­ment Markt Bad Abbach uses the LARDIS:ONE from 2020 with Gar­min Fleet hard­ware in all their vehicles.
